We are leading classical mountaineering trips. Our guides characteristically 1 to 4 clients climbing. Our services are personal, quality, strong professional bases standing.
"Tyrol Declaration on best practice in mountain sports" is our finger-post. WEBSITE OWNER’S DATAS:
Name: Szilagyi Zsolt EV
Base: Hungary 2533 Bajot Oregko dulo 1344.
E-mail adress: info(hash)grossglockner(dot)hu
Manager telefon number: +36/30/929-4070
Trade register number: 51829386
Tax register number: 68496122-1-31
Base business: mountain guide activity on mountain tours, ski instruction, mountain climbing instruction.
Bank: UniCredit Bank Hungary Zrt.
Head Office Szabadság tér 5-6. 1054 Budapest
Banksz/IBAN forint: HU98 10918001-00000109-92620009
Zsolt Szilágyi (Joe)
e-mail: info(hash)grossglockner(dot)hu
tel: 00/36/30/929-4070
Be supposed to:about application form; money incoming; to cancel application form; shake-up your tour (example date); giftcards; teambuilding; technical questions about your mountain tours.
Fernandez Ivan Luis
leader of the costumer service
Ivan is the boss of our "virtual basecamp" :-) If everybody our staff move outside in the mountains, Ivan is on the board!
e-mail: szervezes(hash)grossglockner(dot)hu
Be supposed to: departures; arrives; free places.
Ivan about himself:
"1982, I was borned in Mexico. Later I was living in Germany in a multiculture environment. That was to prepare me, that I am with open soul to other cultures. I was love to go out in the natural. In an accident 1999, I was lost to move free. Present days I love to help to others travelling around the world in the mountains and living the dreams."
hungarian-mother language;
"What would a guide be without someone to lead? Good weather, bad weather, easy, difficult, I need to sing the same tune. That was the gift of our mountains. Climbing to the summit one does his job, another is on vacation and the luxury of their efforts is friendship."
Gaston Rebuffat, famous French guide